My family has lived in East Lothian for generations. I was born on a hill sheep farm in the Highlands and have lived in Dunbar for nearly 6 years with my wife and our two kids, who go to local schools. I coach and referee at Dunbar mini rugby and volunteer in projects working for children in the care system. I want to be your MP because I deeply care about our community and believe in taking real action to make our lives better.

For most of the last fifteen years, I’ve been the CEO of Who Cares? Scotland. Where I fought for children in care who have been dealt the worst hand. Under my leadership we didn’t just talk about change—we made it happen. We showed that with care and action, we can transform lives. I’ve spent my life making a difference, from promoting democracy in Lithuania to tackling poverty in India and Ghana and building peace across former-Yugoslavia.

I’ve seen firsthand what happens when people fall through the cracks through no fault of their own—it’s unnecessary and unacceptable.

I want to be your MP, as I’ve seen too many politicians make empty promises, but they mostly get in the way instead of helping us thrive. The Liberal Democrats are different. We are fundamentally liberal. We respect people and will empower you to make a difference in your lives.

We have a local growing economy, but successive governments just interfere and make it harder for our businesses to thrive. We need policies that support growth without getting in the way. Small businesses are the backbone of our community, and they need fewer obstacles and more support.

Local green energy successes like the Berwick Bank wind farm should do more to benefit the local communities directly.

Schools should have the freedom to innovate and help our children succeed. Our healthcare system must be accessible and local, especially for end-of-life care. It’s unacceptable that community hospitals in Dunbar and North Berwick are closing, and this must be urgently addressed.

As your MP, I will deliver results. I’ve got a proven track record. I’ve delivered progressive solutions on budget and on time, showing that experience and passion can make a real difference.

It’s time we had quality people in the House of Commons, people who are competent and effective. I care about East Lothian and its people. I care about East Lothian’s stunning environment. I care about this constituency and will represent you faithfully. Let’s take action together.

image of Duncan Dunlop

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